Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Another day, another loss

So I'm down another 1.6 lbs this week! yay! I sticked to my points pretty much every day except Sunday, so I'm glad I lost the same amount as last week. Here is my numbers:

If I keep up this loss each week, I'll get to my goal in no time, with plenty of time in my goal weight before my friend's wedding in Sept. I'm looking forward to Thursday- Phillies opening day, and hot dog/hamburger day here at my work. Luckily our wellness group at work brings in wheat buns and turkey hot dogs and burgers. :D

Among the happenings of the week, we got an ice cream cake for my hubs, to celebrate his birthday belated.

Also, basically everyone I know: at work, friends, family, etc. all entered the Mega Millions lottery. Sadly, this 100 grand fun size candy was the closest I got to winning money. lol. The fun size chocolate is 2.5 points plus!

I tried a few more different dinners, first this asian steamer from healthy choice. Not bad, actually really sweet- almost too sweet for my taste, but good. I did take out the mushrooms (not a fan of those), but other than that, not bad.

I also tried this mexican smart ones. Really good. Didn't look that good when I mixed it up, but the taste was pleasant.

Lastly, on Sunday I enjoyed some wine with friends. I then made the mistake of going to the bar with the hubs and our one friend, because supposably there was karaoke at the bar. By the time we got there, the karaoke was done, but I ended up getting some bahama bay breezes. Can I just say that wine, followed up with these drinks- they may seem fine at the time, but the next day- makes you feel like horrid!

Anyways, hopefully I can keep this up. So far so good!

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