Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Little steps

So I'm down another 0.8 lbs this week. Not as fabulous as previous weeks, and nowhere near my hope for 1/5-2 lbs a week loss, but I'll take it. This week has been SUPER rough.
We've been busy doing lots of stuff around the house and out and about stuff for the theater. I've been stressing out like no-other for certain things.
I've also been bad and had diet coke 3 days in a row (I know, I was off the caffeine train for so long, then I lacked sleep one day and I needed for 3 days straight! Eek!) Smartly, it was diet soda, but still, I should try to wien off of it.
Food-wise, Wren tried out his new "Perfect meatloaf" pan, so I weighed out how much I could have and how much roasted potatoes I could have besides my vegs, and our meal was complete. The slice of meatloaf was a little puny I must say, but if I hadn't had a large Chipotle meal, i would of been able to do more.

Also food-wise, we are running low in the cabinets and fridge for the 'healthy-go-to-foods' so i've had to improvise and order out a lot more. Not my usual smart ones and fav. breakfasts recently. Hopefully I can get to the grocery store tomorrow and stock back up (I also blame our outragously high heating bill that came- makes me not want to spend more money for a bit, but a girl's gotta eat!).
Anyways, many people I know have been joining Weight Watchers recently, including my mom and step-sister and step-bro-in-law. Hopefully we all will be so successful!
So I'm down 0.8 lbs this week, making a total of 22.6 lbs lost since I start Weight Watchers. I gotta keep trucking along. I got 39.4 lbs left to lose till I reach my goal!
Off to go walk some.

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